Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti

Pronouns: she/her
67 Years Old
United States, Washington, Seattle

Thrive Virtual Conference Bio:

(Bio that will be used only for this event)

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti has long been interested in the idea of "Intersectionality." And when you consider her many intersections and multiple identities (Black, Autistic, Bisexual, Elder, Breast Cancer Survivor, Polyamorous, etc.), this makes total sense! Gloria is a workshop presenter and panelist ("Transcending Shame" and "Polyamory 101”), as well as a frequent podcast guest. She is also hard at work on her memoir entitled, "A Different Drum: A Black, Autistic, Polyamorous, Mentally Ill, Former Fundamentalist Christian/Cult Member and Breast Cancer Survivor WHO JUST WANTS TO FIT IN."


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Zoom Name:

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti

My Photos:

I identify as:

  • She/Her

Contact Preferences

Facebook: GloriaJacksonNefertiti
Instagram: @gloriajacksonnefertiti
FetLife: GloriaJN
X (formerly Twitter): @gloriajn
Discord: GloriaJN!956

Please feel free to follow me on social media.

My Schedule

Shadow Land Badges

(Badges are given in recognition of an achivment or special personal attribute)

Future Events That I'll Be Attending

Past Events That I've Attended