
Pronouns: She/her
48 Years Old
United States, Louisiana, New Orleans

Thrive Virtual Conference Bio:

(Bio that will be used only for this event)

Margo M. Maes is a 47-year-old bisexual, living in a monogamous marriage with the man of her dreams, whom she is also in a D/s relationship with.  She is a dog mom to three dogs and two barn cats and just trying to keep up with the fast pace of life.  She lives on Choctaw/ Chitimatcha Land, which is now called New Orleans, LA, and has most of her life.  She has grown up with a diversity of friends, soaked in the cultures of this area.  She graduated from LSU with a bachelor’s degree in architecture (2002) and worked as an architect in the City of New Orleans (on numerous projects and even City Hall) before and after Hurricane Katrina.   For most of those years, she worked in extreme pain due to a car accident that happened (2004) two years into my career.  Eventually, the pain became too much and she had to stop working as an architect/ project manager.  

After her career ended, years went by, and through a lot of therapy, self-discovery, and education, she determined that her sexual health was just as important as her physical and mental health.  And when she went to look for information on how to keep a healthy sex life while living with chronic pain she found very few resources, and most were vague. She became angry and then focused. She decided it was her mission in life now to help others who were like her, exhausted and looking for someone to just hand them a manual on “How to Have Sex When your Body is in Constant Everchanging  Pain.”  So she decided to go back to school to get the education, supervision, and experience to become a sexuality educator. She is am currently finishing up her education and under supervision.

Zoom Name:

Margo M Maes

My Photos:

I identify as:

  • She/Her

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