His victor

Pronouns: he/him
104 Years Old
, ,

Thrive Virtual Conference Bio:

(Bio that will be used only for this event)

Sir Luke and His victor manifest a sacred exchange of will and surrender as Master and slave, combining Leathersex and bloodlust, intentional structure and discipline, and shared personal truth. Their dynamic is flavored with notes of consensual nonconsent, depravity, and defilement. They live on the edge to uncover hidden purpose and empowerment, undeniably conquering fear and hesitation.

Sir Luke and His victor are Southeast Master/slave 2019/20/21 and Florida Power Exchange 2016/2017. They have presented internationally on the healing aspects of authority-based dynamics and advocate for pulling back the veil. When they're not doing work in the community, they enjoy their home sanctuary, where victor can sit at Sir Luke's feet in their dungeon and they can simply exist as Master and slave.

  • Facebook: Sir Luke and His victor
  • Email: sirlukeandvictor@gmail.com
  • Fetlife: MisterBBWolf & _victor
  • Twitter: SirLuke_victor
  • Instagram: SirLuke_victor

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His victor

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